Prate's Tree Service, LLC
who is responsible for fallen tree removal

Who is Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal

Tree removal is a necessary but potentially dangerous task. Homeowners are often responsible for removing fallen trees from their property, but this isn’t always the case. The city or utility company may be responsible for tree removal in some situations. Knowing who is responsible for fallen tree removal can help you avoid accidents and injuries.

Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal

Removing a fallen tree from your property can be challenging and overwhelming. But, it is important to remain responsible in order to keep your home and family safe. First, before attempting to remove the tree yourself, it is recommended that you call in professionals; this helps ensure none of the surrounding structures such as homes, garages or sheds are damaged. Then, when hiring professionals to complete the job you need to determine if they have insurance and what kind of equipment they are using. By doing this you can rest assured that not only will the removal process be done safely but also with the right authorization and attention-to-detail needed for an effective and efficient job.

The Responsibility of Removing a Tree That Falls on Your Property

Dealing with a downed tree can be a daunting task that can quickly become expensive if it falls onto your property. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, remember that it is your responsibility to remove the tree from wherever it has fallen. Hiring professionals is the best way to ensure the job gets done safely and correctly, but you could always take on the challenge yourself if you feel ambitious. Either way, removing a fallen tree should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid any further destruction or accidents caused by leaving it unchecked.

The City Will Not Remove Fallen Trees From Private Property

Residents of the city who experience fallen trees on their private property must take matters into their own hands. The city has recently announced that it will no longer provide services to remove fallen trees from private lands. Homeowners needing debris removal should consult with a local tree service experienced in hazardous removals or contact their homeowner’s insurance provider, who can often help with this work. Removing dangerous or unsightly trees is especially important for avoiding further damage or creating a hazard for those who live nearby. If residents fail to take care of fallen trees on their property, they could be held legally liable for any damage that could arise in the future due to inaction.

Contact a Tree Removal Company to Remove the Tree

If you have an unwanted or dangerous tree in your yard, contacting a qualified tree removal company is the best way to have it removed. Such professionals are highly trained and can help safely remove even the largest trees without damaging property or leaving debris behind. They can also assess and recommend solutions to problems like leaning or storm-damaged trees and help you decide which option is best for your available space. Working with a licensed and insured team of experts ensures that a job will be completed safely and efficiently, no matter how big. So when it comes time to contact a tree removal company, be sure that they are experienced in the task so that the job gets done right.

The cost of removing fallen trees depends on what

Removing a fallen tree is an important task that requires specialized equipment and experience and can be surprisingly expensive. The cost of removal depends on the size and location of the tree, as it’s more challenging to cut up and remove trees in hard-to-reach areas or that are too large for one person or team to handle. Furthermore, some trees may present a risk if they’re close to power lines or if their roots have grown around buildings or other structures. Special considerations must be considered in these cases, potentially increasing labour costs and associated expenses. Considering all this, it’s clear that a comprehensive approach must be taken when dealing with fallen trees.


Falling trees can be a nuisance that requires time and resources to fix. Fortunately, with the right kind of help, taking care of trees on your property can be easy. Remember that if a tree falls on your property, it is your responsibility to have it removed. While the city will not remove fallen trees from private property, some companies specialize in removing them. The cost of removal depends on the size and location of the tree, so be sure to contact multiple tree removal companies and get quotes before settling on one. If you need a reliable tree removal service, contact us here at prates tree services. We have years of experience dealing with fallen trees and are happy to give you an estimate for free. Don’t let silly things like falling trees keep you from enjoying all that life has to offer – take control and take care of it.

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